I’m not a very religious man, more spiritual than anything else. I believe there is a reason we’re all here, but I have a feeling that reason isn’t as profound as we’d like it to be. I believe were one of billions of living species around the Universe, which makes us all that much more insignificant.
This being said, here is what we humans have been able to do over the last 35,000 years. Manipulate fire, invent the wheel, telephone, TV, automobiles, and the Internet. And so on. Lot’s of wonderful inventions, cures for diseases, and other things that generally helps our species.
What we also have been able to do is create massive destruction, and facilitate evil. Take war, nuclear weapons, killing people over iPods, and the molestation, torturing, and killing of each other.
The missing child of the week (what’s with all these kids going missing in the last 5 years?), Shasta Groene – was recently found alive. Can’t say as much for her brother or family, however. The killer/rapist/molestor Joseph E. Duncan is in custody, and police believe that the reason for his violent and evil actions over the years was because he was neglected in his youth in home and social environments. He was pushed away, and became a loner.
People, come on. There are smart people, there are dumb people. There is evil, and there is good. There are evil people, and good people.
Could it just be that Duncan is evil? Why is there always the need to have an answer, or an explanation. That’s not going to help the victims. Perhaps this sick bastard is just plain evil, and there are no two ways about it.
Perhaps that what we know as “Earth” is simply a stepping stone to someplace better, or if you make the wrong choices, something worse. Perhaps all of us are here because on our last “go ’round”, we somehow screwed up, and what we know of as “our time on Earth” is our 2nd, 3rd, 10th, nTh, chance at making things right.
Or, if you’re Duncan, perhaps your choices have made it clear to the rest of us that you what no part of what’s next, but would rather stick around for another shot, or stay forever in whatever composes Hell.