The Aftermath of Katrina

A few days has passed since my last post here, and Katrina has come ashore, and devasted the Gulf coast. As of right now, 8/31/05 9:35pm, here is what has happened if you don’t already know:

o 80% of New Orleans submerged under 20+ feet of water.

o Widespread looting

o Recovery still going on 4-days later, helicopters picking people off their roofs.

o Gas soon-to-be over $4/gallon, and expected to peak around $5.

o Bodies floating around the flood-waters because police and rescuers are concentrated on those that remain alive.

o Thousands expected to be dead.

o Costs of recovery estimated in the tens of billions, a decade of time.

o Disease spreading due to stagnant, corpse-infected water.

o 10,000 more National Guard troops being activated, Navy sending ships to the Gulf including a floating military hospital.

What countries have pledged any money yet? None.

Generosity has always been a key trait of the United States, going back many many years. Why is it that the United States is always criticized for not doing enough soon enough for other countries when a disaster strikes, and when we need help, no one even steps up to the plate?

Germany, France, Russia, Australia, Canada? Hello?

However, now is not the time to politicize this. The people in the affected regions need help. Let’s hope they get what they need.

To see a list of fine United States companies that are donating money or equipment, please click here.

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