This is Getting Bullshit Now

For those of you who might be watching the other “disaster of the month” on TV (first the tsunami, then Katrina, now an Earthquake in Pakistan), closer to home there is quite a large amount of rain falling in the Northeast.

Rain like I’ve never seen before. It’s been raining, and raining hard now for 6 days straight. If there is a break, it is brief and becomes an annoying cold mist. After that, another downpour for 3 hours.

The soil and roads finally couldn’t take the beating anymore, and everything around here is flooded. Not a “New Orleans” flood, but one of those floods where you’re second-guessing whether or not the car will actually make it through the road-turned-river, or stall out.

So, we’ve decided to get two of every animal…

Looks like Mother Nature is doing a little housekeeping in the last 12 months or so. Water, wind, earth…fire is next, so anyone near a volcano might want to think about packing their shit up.

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