Bush: We’re Sending the Wrong Message

Our fearless King has said stated that the UAE – the government set to take over the ports in the U.S. – is a comendable friend, and great ally to fight terrorism since 9/11/01.

The truth of the matter is that prior to 9/11, the UAE helped to facilitate the financial transactions for the 9/11 hijackers, supported the Tailban in Afghanistan, and had two of the nineteen hijackers come from the UAE.

Since Congress has told King Bush that there would be no way to get this port deal to pass, and even if he did veto it, Congress would have the 2/3’s majority needed to override his veto.

In response, Bush has said that by not allowingthe UAE to manage our ports, we, as Americans are sending the wrong message to our Arab friends. He says we’re saying “it’s ok for a non-Arab company to run our ports, but it’s not ok for an Arab company to do it.” Two important points here. One, it is not simply an Arab country that would have controlled the ports. It’s the UAE GOVERNMENT. Secondly, we’re so worried about what messages we’re sending out. How about worrying about some of the messages we’re receiving.

King Bush has – for as week now – told us that we’re sending the wrong message. He really needs to drop it, because it’s really becoming offensive at this point.

The best thing to happen in his entire presidency so far is this ports deal got shot down.

And speaking about “the messages we’re sending” [by not allowing the UAE to manage our ports], it can’t be any worse then invading soveirgn nations under false pretenses, killing thousands of civilians, and torturing their prisoners. Yeah, that’s not sending the wrong message.

Don’t stop at Censure – Impeach Bush, now. Before it’s too late.

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