Boris Yeltsin died today. I kind of liked the guy. He was the first Russian leader elected by the populous, and he definitely had a face you could laugh at. He was a bit of a drinker though, but then again, what Russian isn’t? Here’s Bill and him yucking it up. RIP, Boris.
Two New Yorker’s Set Sail for 1000 Days
I don’t know how they can do it, or how they have the will to do it. I think I know why they’re doing it. Their reasons for why they are doing it are the exact same reason why I don’t do it. And I’ll leave it at that.
Still, 1,000 days and nights with no port calls? I’ll follow up with a post about them perhaps midway through their journey, and definitely at the end. For now, read this MSNBC article.
Kurt Vonnegut [1922-2007]
You know how you always say you want to do something, and then you get busy with life, and it never gets done?…
I was on the beach in Bayville, NY one sunny Sunday last July. I got there in the AM, and stayed until the mid-afternoon. During the course of this day, I read A Man Without a Country. After each section, I found myself putting the book down for a few minutes, thinking in my head for a while about what I read as I watched the Long Island sound ripple on the beach. I began to think about how moved I was by what I had just read, and how intellectually entertained I was.
I finished the book that day on the beach, and my mind was racing with all sorts of things – funny, sad, satirical, and philosophical – that related to what I had just read. I was so moved, that I planned to write a letter to him. Not exactly sure about what specifically, but just to let him know how much I enjoyed his work.
Summer ended, work got busy, both my grandfather and my dog died, and then came the Holidays. Time became short, and other things became important, so I put the letter on the back burner for a while.
That letter never got done. I guess it’s better than writing it and not sending it.
He was one of my favorite and most inspirational authors that truly kept me reading books.
Kurt, RIP.
Wikipedia Link
This is the End [of the road]
Well, quite a news weekend, wasn’t it? A massive, horrible deadly shooting today at Virginia Tech, the worst shooting ever in the U.S. Before that, the entire Northeast was socked by a potent nor’easter, more common in the fall and winter than spring. I know around my house, we received over 4″ of rain, with some locales near by getting 6″+, including La Guardia Airport.
And then at the end of last week, MSNBC canceled their Imus video simulcast, and 2 days later, CBS fired Don Imus for the inappropriate comments he made about the women’s basketball team. I’m still mixed on this; I believe it was a bad thing to say, I don’t doubt he is a racist in his personal life, but I’m not sure the intent of what he said was racist. He was trying to be funny, and he failed miserably. I still don’t believe that it should have cost him his job. I still think the two week suspension was more than sufficient. None the less, Howard Stern had much to say this AM, and needless to say he is thrilled. Rightly so, because Stern and Imus have had a long standing fued back to the days of when Howard was on WNBC in the early 1980s. Imus was and is a prick to him, and I can’t disagree there.
Here’s a little tidbit from the Stern show–it’s a little Imus parody they did to the tune of Bon Jovi’s 1980s’ hit, “Wanted Dead or Alive”
I Don’t Like Imus, But What a Double Standard
So I can’t help but comment on Don Imus’s recent media trouble, when during his show, he referenced a girls basketball team as “nappy headed hoes”. Listen, I’m not a fan of Don Imus. I really don’t care for the guy’s show, or his sense of humor. I find his voice hard to listen to. That being said, his show is about controversy, and about comedy. If he’s going to get in trouble for saying what he said – in jest – then I will have to firmly disagree. I don’t believe he should be suspended, much less fired.
I don’t even think what he said was racist. The underlying meaning was not racist. At least I don’t think so. And most importantly, no one should have to apologize to Al Sharpton. Don Imus actually went as far as calling Sharpton “sir”. Give me a break.
People in this country are becoming more and more offended by the things other people say. I don’t get in an uproar and call for Sharpton’s job every time he says something ridiculous. For example, Sharpton once said:
1991: A Hasidic Jewish driver in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights section accidentally kills Gavin Cato, a 7-year-old black child, and antisemitic riots erupt. Sharpton races to pour gasoline on the fire. At Gavin’s funeral he rails against the “diamond merchants” — code for Jews — with “the blood of innocent babies” on their hands. He mobilizes hundreds of demonstrators to march through the Jewish neighborhood, chanting, “No justice, no peace.” A rabbinical student, Yankel Rosenbaum, is surrounded by a mob shouting “Kill the Jews!” and stabbed to death.
work citied
On top of all that, Sharpton has inspired racial riots against ‘crackers’ and jews.
I’m not offended by any of what Sharpton has to say, but no one – no one – should have to apologize to him like he is some prosecuting attorney.
Injunctions Against Vonage
If you have been paying attention to the news, and if you are a Vonage subscriber or a fan of VoIP telephony, you know that Verizon has continued to beat up on Vonage in the courts. Several weeks ago, the courts sided with Verizon, and stated that Vonage was in violation of three (3) out of the seven (7) patents that Verizon had claimed. In addition, the court stated that Vonage had to pay Verizon $60 million (approx) for the violations.
Today brought an upholding of the injunction against Vonage, and the court had stated that as of 4/12/07, Vonage could continue to service current customers through the appeal process, but they could no longer taken on new customers. Several hours after this announcement, a higher court over-ruled this ruling, grating Vonage a temporary stay until the court can hear Vonage’s request for a permanent stay.
As a Vonage subscriber (3 lines here, 2 for business) I hope they are not forced out of business. I feel that the service is so good, that I can’t even imagine going to something else. Call quality is excellent, as are the features and price. I’m sticking with them until the last moment, and if one day I pickup the phone and there is no dialtone, so be it.
Vonage states that they do have a work-around in order to not be in violation of the patents, but that doesn’t negate the last few years of patent violation, if those accusations are indeed true. That being said, the best case scenario is that my bill will go up a few dollars.
And you know what? That’s just fine with me.
-A happy Vonage customer since 2004.
Who does Iran think they are fooling?
Ok, just to backtrack. 15 odd British sailors are abducted and taken back to Iran when they were in Iraqi waters doing routine patrols. Iran puts them on TV, makes them record fake apologies, and then, mysteriously, releases them in good faith.
If you believe any of that, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
I think the leaders of the Middle East have watched a little too much TV. I’m not really sure who they think they are fooling with this fake parade of hospitality and the release of the hostages as an “Easter Present” for England. Tony Blair says he harbors no ill will toward Iran for the capture and detainment for 2 weeks. Rubbish.
I am not a fan of the current President Bush, nor was I a big fan of his father. However, George Sr. did say something rather profound once, after the media asked him what he was going to offer Saddam Hussein now that Hussein released some captives, or moved out of an area of Kuwait back in the late summer of 1990…”Hell no. You don’t reward someone for something they have done that they shouldn’t have done in the first place.” I think that holds true here.
Iran isn’t fooling one damn person.
Keith Richards New Drug of Choice
By now you have heard him say it, and heard his PR people withdraw it as an April fools joke. Keith Richards, acclaimed guitarist of The Rolling Stones has said that he had mixed some cocaine with his deceased father’s ashes, and well, snorted the whole concoction.
I’m more surprised that this statement was retracted, than the notion of the idea itself was performed. I believe he did it, and I believe he wanted to do it. And you know what, who cares. I wouldn’t do it per say, but I would argue that an adult is free to do whatever they’d like in the privacy of their own home.
None the less, Keith Richards is one unique individual.
British Sailors Captured by Iran
At this point, it seems pretty obvious that the British soldiers were in Iraqi waters, and that the Iranian military had captured them illegally. Even if the U.S. Military is gearing up for a summer attack on Iran, I am not quite sure why the Iranians would create a hostage situation first. Surely 13 odd soldiers wouldn’t stop an attack by the U.S. or England, and if anything, might incite an attack.
Another thing I question is why the British soldiers were captured to begin with. Nothing against them, but I’m sure the U.S. Navy or Marines would go down with a heck of a firefight. Everyone has a right to self-defense, and I’m sure self-preservation is a key goal of the military.
I hope these hostages are released soon, and if they are not released, I support covert military action to get them out.
American Idol &
I used to be an American Idol fan. Not a huge fan, but a decent fan. A fan such that I would try and not make any plans for the night(s) American Idol was on, and I’d make a good attempt to watch it, or at the very least have it on in the background while I did some work. This year however, sucks.
This year, there is no one that catches my eye, or keeps my attention. I found that for this year, I enjoyed the show much more watching the tryouts, and I stopped watching when they all went to Hollywood.
I listen to the Howard Stern show on Sirius every day, and recently he brought to the listener’s attention a website called, where they describe how, in order to keep American Idol “fun”, people should vote for the worst candidate. The agreement that Sunjaya Malakar is the worst seems to be the common theme, and I agree. 🙂
Accordingly, please do your best to continue to vote for Sunjaya Malakar and keep him in American Idol as long as possible, and may be if we get lucky, he’ll win the damn thing. You know that won’t make Eric the Midget happy.
Hi Fred.