Airbus A380 – First Transatlantic Flight

On Monday March 19th, 2007, France’s Airbus A380 – the largest passenger plane ever assembled – made its first transatlantic flight from Frankfurt Germany to New York’s JFK airport. On-board were not real passengers, but rather 500 Lufthansa employees and crew.

The purpose of this flight was to show off the new Airbus plane to markets in the United States.

As wide as a football field is long, Airbus has created the largest passenger plane ever put into mass production. Normally, I wouldn’t make such a big deal about a new plane. However, I do have a certain passion for aviation, and while I’m not totally thrilled with a lot of what France produces, they are doing something right when it comes to flight…

Sadly, a few years ago, after an accident, France retired the Concorde line. But, they’re back now with this new plane.

Coppfield Tricks ‘Em All

Did you hear this one? David Copperfield (the magician) gets robbed in Florida, and he does a magic trick so the would-be robbers think that Copperfield has nothing in his pockets. The reality is that Copperfield has a cellphone, and some other important info. I’m not kidding, really. Check out the link below. How funny is that?

David Copperfield Tricks Robbers

Edit: April 4, 2007 – Dead link to article, changed to working link.

Charlie Sheen Takes One for the Team

Well, Charlie Sheen is one brave soul. He made Hot Sharts Part Deux. 🙂 Also, he came out publically recently, and basically asked what many thousands of people are asking in this country – “what really happened on 9/11/01.” A lot of people (including myself) are of the belief that we are not being told the whole story, that there are large gaps in both information and evidence.

Article #1
Article #2

Hopefully, over time, more people will start asking questions and the media will be fair to all.

Bush: We’re Sending the Wrong Message

Our fearless King has said stated that the UAE – the government set to take over the ports in the U.S. – is a comendable friend, and great ally to fight terrorism since 9/11/01.

The truth of the matter is that prior to 9/11, the UAE helped to facilitate the financial transactions for the 9/11 hijackers, supported the Tailban in Afghanistan, and had two of the nineteen hijackers come from the UAE.

Since Congress has told King Bush that there would be no way to get this port deal to pass, and even if he did veto it, Congress would have the 2/3’s majority needed to override his veto.

In response, Bush has said that by not allowingthe UAE to manage our ports, we, as Americans are sending the wrong message to our Arab friends. He says we’re saying “it’s ok for a non-Arab company to run our ports, but it’s not ok for an Arab company to do it.” Two important points here. One, it is not simply an Arab country that would have controlled the ports. It’s the UAE GOVERNMENT. Secondly, we’re so worried about what messages we’re sending out. How about worrying about some of the messages we’re receiving.

King Bush has – for as week now – told us that we’re sending the wrong message. He really needs to drop it, because it’s really becoming offensive at this point.

The best thing to happen in his entire presidency so far is this ports deal got shot down.

And speaking about “the messages we’re sending” [by not allowing the UAE to manage our ports], it can’t be any worse then invading soveirgn nations under false pretenses, killing thousands of civilians, and torturing their prisoners. Yeah, that’s not sending the wrong message.

Don’t stop at Censure – Impeach Bush, now. Before it’s too late.

Don Knotts [1924-2006]

Actor Don Knotts died Friday, Feb 24th in Los Angeles. A truly irreplaceable comic, Knotts made people laugh all his life. Granted, I caught him near the end of his career rather than at the beginning, as I was a huge Three’s Company fan from the day that show started until the day it ended. Knotts played Ralph Furley, the charismatic landlord for Jack (John Ritter), Chrissy (Suzanne Somers), and Janet (Joyce DeWitt).

It’s a tad frightening to see famous people go, even if their old. Three’s Company was a show I watched regularly throughout the 1980s, and even on re-runs years later. Heck, I own the DVDs to the show, and it’s as funny now as it was then. Sadly, with John Ritter dying unexpectedly in 2003, and now Don Knotts, two comedic geniouses are gone, but in better places.

For more information on Don Knotts, please see his entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database).

Cheney, an Earthquake in Jersey, and Safe Ports

So a lot has happened in the last week. VP Dick Cheney shot someone in the face. This person then apologized for being in his way. Something is fishy there; doesn’t the burden of proof/responsibility rely on the shooter? Something tells me that perhaps Cheney might have been drinking, and this might be one big “cover up” to protect his job?

Next, an earthquake in northern New Jersey registered 2.6, just barely enough for humans to feel.

And yesterday it was announced that an UAE (United Arab Emirates) firm has won a contract to take over 6 U.S. seaports, from Boston to Miami. Umm…hello? Did we just give control over what goes in and out of a port to a country that has sponsored terrorism? We did. Two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers came from the UAE, and money laundered for 9/11 was found linked to banks within the UAE. How is it that Bush has allowed a firm in a country linked to terrorism to gain control over what goes in and out of American ports?

Sure, people will say I have a political agenda, or I’m not being PC, but this is what I say. Go fuck yourself. We should not be relinquishing control of these ports to any foreign government, much less a government with a less than steller record on terrorism.

Call me crazy, but I hope someone puts a stop to it. Luckily, there is quite a bit of bipartisan objection to the UAE firm gaining control, but it sounds like it’s falling on deaf ears at the white house. Apparently, if the President doesn’t listen, those against this contract stated that they will try and freeze the contract. We’ll see what happens.

Blizzard of 2006

I thought the Winter here on Long Island was never going to come. It hasn’t been warm. It hasn’t been snowy, though we have had a lot of rain. It even rained on Christmas and on New Years. It snowed once, but it was a bullshit 4 inches back a few weeks ago.

And then this weekend hit. NYC got more than 23 inches of snow, and out here on Long Island, we got close to 30 inches. I think the news said that it 23 inches was the second largest snowfall in NYC since they started keeping records, which date back to the mid 1800’s.

As luck would have it, I snuck into NYC last night to see “Wicked”, and instead of staying in NYC (for fear that the Long Island Rail Road would shut down), I left NYC last night and came back to the Island. As it turns out, trains still did run, even through all that snow.

The familar “On or close to schedule” message for those familiar with the LI double R. (Thissss is the train to Huntington….stopping at….Woodside, Kew Gardens, The Hillside Facility, Carle Place, Mineola, Westbury, Hicksville, Syosset, Cold Spring Harbor, and Huntington. Change at Jamaica for the train to Brooklyn and all other stations. Please help us with our clean train campaign, and desposit all garbage in the recepticles on the station platforms. Once again, this is the train to Huntington. All aboard!!)

Anywho, at my house was a decent 25 – 30 inches of snow, which took me about 2 hours to snowblow as it’s a bit on the long side. Winter finally decided to show up, and it’ll be interesting to see if they plowed the parking lot at work when I show up tomorrow late. 🙂

Both Old Man Winter Mother Nature musta worked together on this SOB storm, because it was a dooozy.

Freedom of Speech Violated Again

Cindy Sheehan, anti-war protestor is escorted out of the State of the Union Address & Arrested

President Bush’s cronies have done it once again. Cindy Sheehan, popular anti-war and anti-administration protestor was escorted out of the State of the Union Address on 1/31/06 for wearing a t-shirt, and was later arrested for the same offesne. A second woman, Beverly Young, wife of U.S. Rep Bill Young (R) of Florida, was also escorted out of the State of the Union address. Both women, wearing t-shirts that voiced a simple opinion were told to leave.

Sheehan’s t-shirt said: “2,245 Dead. How many more?”
Young’s t-shirt said: “Support the Troops.”

U.S. Capitol Police have later apologized to both women, and are recommending that all charges be dropped against Sheehan.

However, the issue is larger than “a simple mistake in protocol”. It is evidence yet again of mere dissention and disagreement with the viewpoint of the current administration will result in the stifling of your opinion, and being arrested for wearing a piece of clothing expressing a point of view.

Simply disagreeing with the Bush Administration is a punishable offense.

People, let’s wake the hell up and get this guy out of office. It’s ok to say that the emporer has no clothes.

P.S. – Don’t get me wrong, I think Cindy Sheehan’s meeting with Hugo Chavez this week discussing the toppling of the U.S.Empire might be construed as treason, so for that I would tend to disagree with her. That being said, she had a son who fought and died in Iraq, which makes her point of view much more riviting and passionate then mine.

Bin Ladin is Back, Baby

This asshole is back. I’m so tired of the news sites putting his picture up on the net, or the news puts his image on my TV. I know what the fucking guy looks like, don’t remind me. The next picture of him I want to see is one with a bullet in his head.

I’m not a fan of the Bush Administration, but I’m glad they basically told Osama to go fuck himself in regards to the “truce”. Flip him the bird, and find the son of a bitch already.

And to top that off, just today, Al Zwahiri, Osama’s second in command, released some poetry. What the hell is that about?

A terrorist and poetry. You would think those are mutually exclusive events.

A Government That Does Whatever It Wants To

A recently leaked report has found that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been secretly spying on thousands of Americans since 9/11/01. Apparently, President Bush signed a secret order allowing the NSA to do so, spying on American’s email and phone conversations.

President Bush has said that the leaking of this information to the media is illegal. Accordingly, the media and many bi-partisan memebers of Congress have said while the leaking of the information may be illegal, the act itself of spying on Americans without a court order is in direct violation of United States law.

Responding to criticism, President Bush states:
“This authorization is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists. It is critical to saving American lives. The American people expect me to do everything in my power, under our laws and Constitution, to protect them and their civil liberties and that is exactly what I will continue to do as long as I am president of the United States,”.

Now if that isn’t the biggest bunch of BS I’ve evere seen, I’m not sure what is. Since 9/12/01, civil liberties and personal freedoms have taken a backseat to searchings, unlawful imprisonment of “enemy combatants”, and now, illegal wiretaps.

And all former President Bill Clinton did to get impeached was lie about a private matter between himself, his wife, and an intern.

Think about that.

“Those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security.” -Benjamin Franklin.

If we are destroyed from within, the terrorists need never fire another shot.