I Don’t Know Enough Deaf People

I don’t particularly enjoy speaking loudly, but that’s not the purpose of this post.  I learned recently that the sound we make when we sneeze – “ah-choo” – is a culturally learned behavior, and it varies between cultures.  In the Philippines they say “ha-ching”, and the Japanese say “hakashun”.  Deaf people say nothing at all.  Amazing.

One time I sneezed at work, and a coworker told me the person they were on the phone with asked if there was a dog barking in the office.  Since then, I tend to change the sound I make when I sneeze just to keep it fun.

Occasionally I fart when I sneeze, but that’s due to a lose o-ring condition, and I’m getting it looked at soon at the next scheduled oil change.




Evidently, I can’t keep them. I said I’d post more here, and that was mid-June. I was serious though. This summer is just flying by – I thought I posted the last entry a few weeks ago, and I said even that was too long.

I’m sitting outside in my backyard now, and I’ve been farting loudly while consuming a few beers. Real loud, so the neighbors an acre away have to hear it.

They say it’s supposed to rain later, but it doesn’t seem quite like it.

Other than that, the economy sucks, there’s nothing on TV, and I’m addicted to Twitter.

I’ll post some useful stuff here soon, but today isn’t the day for it. I’ve spent the day cleaning, food shopping,. and getting my windshield replaced, so no more thinking for today.

Faces of Hillary

I meant to post this a while back, when the Democratic race was really getting started. But I had other things on my mind and on my plate. So here it is now. A little late, but still really funny. Some of these faces she makes I really believe are not possible to make during natural human emotion–some, most or all of these are fake. Ah well, she’ll be back in 2012 when we can have some more fun with these.

New York Fireworks Laws

On my recent trip to Pennsylvania, I noticed billboard after billboard as I left (and returned) New York that listed the penalties for bringing fireworks into NY from legal purchase in Pennsylvania. The signs went on to describe how it’s a “big deal”, and will result in fine, imprisonment, or suspension of your license as well as loss of your vehicle.

This New York Times article explains the process; people from NJ and NY drive to PA to buy legal fireworks because they are not PA residents. Yes, that is correct – if you are a resident of PA, you can not buy fireworks legally in PA. But if you are from out-of-state, then you’re able to buy whatever you want—but it is illegal to transport those fireworks back across state lines to NY or NJ. Allegedly, NJ and NY State Police are watching and waiting.

When is enough, enough? In the United States, the majority of states allow the sale and use of fireworks, as you can see by this PDF graphic. Mainly, the Northeast remains steadfast—the majority of northeastern states prohibiting all fireworks to those without a commercial permit.

Ultimately, what is the point of that? I can walk into Wallmart and in a few hours, get a shotgun. Yet, I can’t buy fireworks in this state. I have to go to PA, and then be subject to arrest when bringing the fireworks back here to NY.

Hey, here’s an idea!! In New York, make the sale of fireworks legal from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and have these fireworks subject to the local sales tax rate. State gets much needed tax money, people get their fireworks to celebrate July 4th in style without having to drive 100 miles to PA. Everyone wins.

Iron Hill Brewery, Newark Delaware

It’s no secret that I love beer. In fact, aside from water, it’s my favorite beverage. In college sure, we used to drink shit beer to get wrecked. Those days are long over. Err, well I mean I no longer drink shit beer to get wrecked. I drink good beer, get a healthy buzz, and call it a night. 🙂

On my recent trip to Hershey PA, Patty and I decided to make our way down to my old stomping ground, the University of Delaware. There, plenty of nice restaurants and bars, but one in particular always makes me smile. The Iron Hill Brewery in Newark is one of the finest restaurants from a food standpoint. In addition, all of their beer – brewed on the premises – is fantastic. I drank a few while I was there, and took three 64oz jugs to go, one of which – the Vienna Red Lager – I am currently consuming.

Iron Hill Brewery has 7 locations around Delaware and SE Pennsylvania, including the Newark, Delaware location. I highly recommend a visit to any of them.

Parents!! If you’re son or daughter goes to the U of Delaware, or they are thinking of going there, I highly recommend stopping in the Iron Hill Brewery for a meal and/or a beer. It’s well worth the trip.


You can visit the Iron Hill Brewery online at their webpage by clicking here: Iron Hill Brewery.

American Craft Beer Week

I love beer. Really, I do. I drink much less of it than I used to, but then again, I used to drink beer to get drunk. Now, I drink beer for the taste. I rarely get drunk anymore. I’m all about the good beers now, no Natural Light or Meister Brau bullshit.

This week is American Craft Beer Week. In their list of “top 24”, they actually have some of my favorites. Some of my favorites not on the list: Guiness Draught, Brooklyn Pennant Ale, and Blue Point Blueberry Ale.

Ah well, I’m sitting here actually sipping a Corona at the moment for lack of any better beer in the house. None the less, as I look at the list of great beers I’m getting more and more thirsty, so I must bring this blog entry to a close. 🙂

FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2007

How could I not post this week about FHM’s recent report of the 100 most sexy women in the world for 2007. Granted, I don’t know how the 2nd place winner received the second place award. She’s pretty, but I don’t think she beats out Scarlett Johansen. And Jennifer Love Hewitt not in the top 10? Ah well, may be my views are a little different than the rest of the bunch. 🙂

For the entire top 100, check out FHM Online.

Failed War On Drugs

Isn’t it about time we called the troops home, and declared a defeat? No, not Iraq, although I’ll admit I don’t have a good answer as to what to do about that. I’m talking about the War on Drugs. The U.S.’s War on Drugs officially started with Nixon in 1969, continued through the Carter and Reagan administrations. As someone born in 1975, I can remember all of the anti-drug teachings in school, how marijuana was bad and it will make you kill your parents. How rock music is the Devil’s work, and so on.

Kind of a failed policy, don’t you think? Billions of dollars wasted on an unwinnable war. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Here’s some news from MSNBC today about how cocaine prices are falling in the U.S.. If you’ve taken Economics 101, you know what falling prices means: increased supply flooding the market, or decreased demand. I highly doubt that the demand for cocaine or any drug has decreased. I do however believe, that even after $5 billion USD spent in Columbia alone, that the cocaine production there is skyrocketing.

Here’s an article on how today’s pot is stronger than before. Umm, isn’t that the point? You know they say you don’t want a cheap, watered-down beer? Doesn’t the same hold true for weed?

And doesn’t it just drive you nuts that some of the most damaging substances you could put in the human body are perfectly legal to buy in nearly any consumption amount you want, provided you’re 18 or 21? Don’t believe me, read this article that talks about the most dangerous substances. Both Cannabis and Ecstacy come in less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco! I believe weed has enormous medical benefits, and I believe that Ecstacy has enormous mental health benefits.

Isn’t it time that we perhaps did something other than “stay the course” on the U.S. Drug Policy? Isn’t it time for change? The fact of the matter is that no matter how much you educate, people will still put harmful things in their body. Millions and millions of people do it everyday but consuming alcohol or inhaling tobacco. Those items are taxed and regulated by the Government.

I got an idea! Why not make everything legal, but highly regulated? Tax revenue from the sale of these items could provide a windfall of cash for a U.S. economy strained by wartime spending. In the beginning, yes, I believe you’re going to have a flux of people who go out to buy weed just because the law says they can do so legally now. That, however, will taper off as the initial “excitement” of it dies down. The regular pot smokers will still buy weed, only this time the public can benefit from it by the increased tax revenue earned from each sale.

Two New Yorker’s Set Sail for 1000 Days

I don’t know how they can do it, or how they have the will to do it. I think I know why they’re doing it. Their reasons for why they are doing it are the exact same reason why I don’t do it. And I’ll leave it at that.

Still, 1,000 days and nights with no port calls? I’ll follow up with a post about them perhaps midway through their journey, and definitely at the end. For now, read this MSNBC article.