Check out an IMAX show

That guy on the left there looks like he’s watching an IMAX movie. That’s just how good it is. 🙂 You haven’t been to the movies yet if you haven’t seen an IMAX show. What is IMAX, you ask? Well, check out their homepage, but in short, it’s the biggest, most technologically advanced movie theatre around. Up to 8 stories high, with all sorts of crazy sound-systems and video, the movie screen wraps around the theatre, so peripheral vision is seeing part of the movie too.

It’s really wild, and I haven’t been to one in a long time until the other day. Definitely renewed my interest in that stuff. I believe the title of the show I saw was a movie from James Cameron, called “Aliens of the Deep”, which showed in great detail life at the bottom of the ocean (3,500 meters deep), and how this life (that exists w/o photosynthesis) might be how life is like in cold oceans on planets and moons of these planets in our solar system.

Definitely check it out, and for a list of the theatres closest to you, click on the link below and do a search.

IMAX Homepage

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