I’m thrilled! The Dish Network reached a carrier agreement with Sportsnet NY, home of the NY Mets, only days after my last blog post. I was getting a little discouraged since they remained the only national provider that did not reach an agreement with SportsNet NY. I had written to the CEO (“ceo@thedishnetwork.com”) asking for them to pickup this station, so when it was announced the other day that they did reach an agreement, I did something that I hope many people did — email “ceo@thedishnetwork.com” to say thank you. And, I got a personal reply.
Thank you Dish!
Mr. *********,
I appreciate the email and the kind words toward DISH. I hope you enjoyed last night’s game and the many that will follow. I hope the Mets have a great season!
David Laslo
Executive Office of DISH Network
CEO Escalations
—–Original Message—–
From: Jeff
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 11:34 PM
Subject: Thank You for Adding Sportsnet NY-DavidAs an 18 month subscriber of The Dish Network that e-mailed you “begging you” to negotiate an agreement with Sportsnet NY – the home of the NY Mets – I want to specifically thank you for the recent news of this channel being added. I had been recently worried that you would not pickup this channel. It was a pleasant suprise coming home from the bar where I went to watch the game to come home and see the press release that a deal was struck between Dish and Sportsnet NY.
Thank you so much for adding this station. If the channel was not added, I would have had to switch to DirecTV, and based upon my friend’s review of it (he has it because his family loves the Yankees and DirecTV carries YES!), he doesn’t recommened DirecTV to anyone that doesn’t need it. It honestly would have pained me to switch from Dish because we love it so much. My mom *loves* Dish – she’s big into the DVR and recording programs.
I’ve been reading www.satelliteguys.us and www.dbstalk.com daily for the last 2 months, awaiting news of Dish adding this channel. I was very encouraged by the uplink to ch 438 at the end of March, described by posters at those websites.
Thank you again for adding this. I’m sure many people (including myself) e-mailed to add this channel, and I hope that just as many say “thank you” for adding it. We Mets fans here in NY really appreciate it, and it does mean a lot.