It’s Been a While

Well, it’s been a while since the last post. Not that anyone cares (or should care), but here’s why…I was sitting around about a month ago, and a friend of mine said he needed help his blog. He has a blog detailing through text and pictures, his trip around New Zealand. Given broadband that his access to decent free servers for picture hosting was spotty, I offered my help by giving him storage space on one of my websites to host his pictures from.

So, I was trying to make this work for him, when I realized that my hosting provider couldn’t accomodate me too well – no sub FTP accounts, no subdomains, etc. No cpanel or fantastico. I’d been there (Hostsave) for about 4 years, and had been content. Email was 99%, and general uptime was considered “the five nines”. I had been a little frustrated with the lack of services, and this I guess, was the kicker.

So, I decided to move two websites from Hostsave to Hostgator, and move all of my websites off of Network Solutions and put them on Go Daddy. So, I went from 2 registrars and 3 web hosts to 1 registrar (GoDaddy) and 1 webhost, Hostgator. 🙂

So, in making all these changes (especially trying to move from Hostsave that didn’t have cpanel/fantastico to Hostgator which did), it meant a lot of broken links. In addition, I decided to stop using and get into something a little more indepth, like my Fantastico-provided WordPress which is what this blog is now run on.

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