Who does Iran think they are fooling?

Ok, just to backtrack. 15 odd British sailors are abducted and taken back to Iran when they were in Iraqi waters doing routine patrols. Iran puts them on TV, makes them record fake apologies, and then, mysteriously, releases them in good faith.

If you believe any of that, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

I think the leaders of the Middle East have watched a little too much TV. I’m not really sure who they think they are fooling with this fake parade of hospitality and the release of the hostages as an “Easter Present” for England. Tony Blair says he harbors no ill will toward Iran for the capture and detainment for 2 weeks. Rubbish.

I am not a fan of the current President Bush, nor was I a big fan of his father. However, George Sr. did say something rather profound once, after the media asked him what he was going to offer Saddam Hussein now that Hussein released some captives, or moved out of an area of Kuwait back in the late summer of 1990…”Hell no. You don’t reward someone for something they have done that they shouldn’t have done in the first place.” I think that holds true here.

Iran isn’t fooling one damn person.