American Idol &

I used to be an American Idol fan. Not a huge fan, but a decent fan. A fan such that I would try and not make any plans for the night(s) American Idol was on, and I’d make a good attempt to watch it, or at the very least have it on in the background while I did some work. This year however, sucks.

This year, there is no one that catches my eye, or keeps my attention. I found that for this year, I enjoyed the show much more watching the tryouts, and I stopped watching when they all went to Hollywood.

I listen to the Howard Stern show on Sirius every day, and recently he brought to the listener’s attention a website called, where they describe how, in order to keep American Idol “fun”, people should vote for the worst candidate. The agreement that Sunjaya Malakar is the worst seems to be the common theme, and I agree. 🙂

Accordingly, please do your best to continue to vote for Sunjaya Malakar and keep him in American Idol as long as possible, and may be if we get lucky, he’ll win the damn thing. You know that won’t make Eric the Midget happy.

Hi Fred.