New York Fireworks Laws

On my recent trip to Pennsylvania, I noticed billboard after billboard as I left (and returned) New York that listed the penalties for bringing fireworks into NY from legal purchase in Pennsylvania. The signs went on to describe how it’s a “big deal”, and will result in fine, imprisonment, or suspension of your license as well as loss of your vehicle.

This New York Times article explains the process; people from NJ and NY drive to PA to buy legal fireworks because they are not PA residents. Yes, that is correct – if you are a resident of PA, you can not buy fireworks legally in PA. But if you are from out-of-state, then you’re able to buy whatever you want—but it is illegal to transport those fireworks back across state lines to NY or NJ. Allegedly, NJ and NY State Police are watching and waiting.

When is enough, enough? In the United States, the majority of states allow the sale and use of fireworks, as you can see by this PDF graphic. Mainly, the Northeast remains steadfast—the majority of northeastern states prohibiting all fireworks to those without a commercial permit.

Ultimately, what is the point of that? I can walk into Wallmart and in a few hours, get a shotgun. Yet, I can’t buy fireworks in this state. I have to go to PA, and then be subject to arrest when bringing the fireworks back here to NY.

Hey, here’s an idea!! In New York, make the sale of fireworks legal from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and have these fireworks subject to the local sales tax rate. State gets much needed tax money, people get their fireworks to celebrate July 4th in style without having to drive 100 miles to PA. Everyone wins.