Wisconsin Bans Sex With Dead People

This story prompted Wisconsin to create a law that specifically bans people having sex with dead people.

I find it funny that we need to put a law on the books that explicitly prohibits this. I don’t know, I thought it was implied you don’t dig up a grave and have sex with the contents.

“Armed with shovels, a crowbar and a box of condoms, the men went to a cemetery in Cassville in southwestern Wisconsin in 2006 to remove the body of a 20-year-old woman killed the week before in a motorcycle crash, police said.”

I like how they brought condoms with them. That’s showing that they are at least thinking about their decision to dig up a corpse. Because, you know, when you want to have sex with a dead woman, you want to make sure that you don’t get (or give) anything to her, including a child.

One of them had seen an obituary photo of the pretty nursing assistant and asked the others for help digging up her corpse so he could have sexual intercourse with it, prosecutors said. They used the shovels to reach her grave but were unable to pry the concrete vault open and fled after a car drove into the cemetery.”

Talk about intent! Wow, this kid really planned this!

If this story absolutely make you want to hurl and question whether or not these 3 kids are even human, I think we’re all in a lot worse shape than we think. If Wisconsin needs a law to say you can’t have sex with a dead body, fine. May be I’m different, but I realize that it’s not only illegal, but inhuman to do that, which sort of trumps any law we could put on our local code of accepted social guidelines.

The issue here is these 3 kids really need to be taken off the street before they kill someone in a few years.