And you thought Google was just a search engine. 🙂
Aside from being the best search engine, Google has transformed itself and the way we use the Internet. No no no…Google has evolved. In the late 1990s, Google was a search engine, nothing more, nothing less. Today, they are a media machine, organizing the Internet for the common man and making a user’s computer that much more efficient.
Take this week for example – Google Desktop 2 and Google Talk have been released. Picasa, Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google Toolbar have all been released in previous months.
Of course there is Google Mail, or Gmail it’s called, which offers an ever-increasing amount of personable searchable storage space for your email.
In 2004, they set out on a mission to digitize many (or all) of the print media from famous libraries; Library of Congress, NY Public Library, etc.
Where are they going? Well, the right answer is no one knows for sure because Google is a constantly evolving force. Where do I and others think they are going? They are going to be organizing EVERYTHING. Making it available. Making searching instantaneous.
According to their website, “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”.
I have a good feeling that’s an understatement. 🙂
Check out Google for more information on their FREE products, and also Google Labs for the recently released programs still in Beta test.