Freedom of Speech Violated Again

Cindy Sheehan, anti-war protestor is escorted out of the State of the Union Address & Arrested

President Bush’s cronies have done it once again. Cindy Sheehan, popular anti-war and anti-administration protestor was escorted out of the State of the Union Address on 1/31/06 for wearing a t-shirt, and was later arrested for the same offesne. A second woman, Beverly Young, wife of U.S. Rep Bill Young (R) of Florida, was also escorted out of the State of the Union address. Both women, wearing t-shirts that voiced a simple opinion were told to leave.

Sheehan’s t-shirt said: “2,245 Dead. How many more?”
Young’s t-shirt said: “Support the Troops.”

U.S. Capitol Police have later apologized to both women, and are recommending that all charges be dropped against Sheehan.

However, the issue is larger than “a simple mistake in protocol”. It is evidence yet again of mere dissention and disagreement with the viewpoint of the current administration will result in the stifling of your opinion, and being arrested for wearing a piece of clothing expressing a point of view.

Simply disagreeing with the Bush Administration is a punishable offense.

People, let’s wake the hell up and get this guy out of office. It’s ok to say that the emporer has no clothes.

P.S. – Don’t get me wrong, I think Cindy Sheehan’s meeting with Hugo Chavez this week discussing the toppling of the U.S.Empire might be construed as treason, so for that I would tend to disagree with her. That being said, she had a son who fought and died in Iraq, which makes her point of view much more riviting and passionate then mine.

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