NASA relaxes some shuttle launch security – Why?


Check that link out, describing an AP story on how overall launch security at the July 13th scheduled launch of the Space Shuttle will be scaled-back to less strict standards then just after 9/11, despite recent events in London, England.

My question is, why?

The nation’s first – and no doubtedly most famous space Shuttle – broke apart over the westerm United states in February of 2003. From 9/11/01 through Feb 2003, launch security was a primary concern. SWAT teams, fighter jets and military choppers all protected the area and corresponding air space around the launch area in case terrorists got trigger happy.

When Columbia disintegrated over Texas in 2003, the answer was immediately evident, although not publically admitted until weeks after the incident. A suitcase-sized piece of foam used to insulte the SRB’s (Solid Rocket Boosters) broke loose, and smahsed into Columbia’s wing at a high speed, causing searing hot gas to enter Columbia’s wing as it approached on re-entry.

Two years have gone by since the U.S. launched a Shuttle, and with 4 remaining Shuttles (Atlantis, Discovery, Endeavor, and Enterprise*), meticulous care has been taken over the last 24+ months to ensure that better safety standards are in place. Basically, NASA took the way they were doing things, and completely changed them. There are new routines, new protocols. Basically, launching a Shuttle now has a changed format and new routines, all in the name of safety.

And what do they decide? No extra protection. In fact LESS protection for this shuttle flight than for any flight since the Summer of 2001. People, does that make any sense? If terrorists want to strike at a high profile event, the launching of the world’s best space vehicle is a great forum.

It makes no sense to me that after so much time and effort has been expelled to make these shuttles as safe as they can be, security will be lax at it’s launch. Let’s be PREACTIVE and not REACTIVE people.

* Enterprise was the first shuttle built in 1976, and it was mainly a test vehicle. To the best of my knowledge, it is used for spare parts these days, and in no reasonable amount of preparation time can it be flown into space.

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